

previous post: 0523 next post: 0629
a luxurious party Jay Gatsby might have thrown. I was so glad to see the one of my largest paintings in their bedroom for the first time in five years!
tomori nagamoto bittersweet hotel




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I’m in Japan. The last day of 2012, early-morning visit to Samukawa shrine with my mom. Hope you all have a great day and a warm New Year’s Eve!






previous post: 1210 next post: 1231
Merry Christmas everyone. I’ve been working very hard on finishing up a number of projects and artworks the last couple of months since my last show, Nuit Blanche. I stepped out from my house this morning and saw a whole white world. Yes, it realized me that today is Christmas day. Every day is a new day, but this Christmas day. Close my eyes like a sleepy cat on the velvet couch. I just want to listen to the sound of fallen snow.






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“5 percent is the plan and 95 is the execution”


I have been up and drawing like a darkhorse and it’s actually 5 a.m. I was so lonely, but I’m happy now because I’ve got people in my life that love me, and I realized that I’ve been working toward my dream job -full time artist- for 14 years now!


I got to keep on walking on the road with a bag full of dreams!







previous post: 0312 next post: 0331

I performed tea ceremony demonstrations in Toronto during the one year anniversary of the Tohoku Japan earthquake, at Rafi’s fundraiser exhibition on March 8th,

also at the CJS movie night on March 16th at National Film Board. You might think the Japanese Tea Ceremony is just a matter of drink matcha. Or just a choreographic ritual of preparing and serving Japanese green tea. But the whole ceremony is considered a piece of art.

In the ceremony at the CJS movie night, we used a big theater-screen to project a slideshow instead calligraphy or paintings. Those pictures taken at cities which were affected by earthquake and Tsunami photographed by a Japanese artist Arito Suzuki.

And floor mats we used were hand-knitted blankets by various artists both in Canada and Japan conducted by Kyoko Nitta who organize a charity knitting group called Think of Japan While Knitting, to raise money for Japan’s earthquake relief efforts.

I was really proud and happy to added these two elements into tea ceremony because we were trying to express our sincerest sympathy to all the victims of the tragic events a year ago, and support the continuing rehabilitation of their lives and communities during the ceremony. We haven’t forgotten you, Tohoku.
Thank you Rafi and Jeff for all your contributions and continued support. Special thanks to Kyoko Nitta for your assistance at the tea ceremony.




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I received so many gift from Harvey Chan, one of my best artist friend who leave for Hong Kong in the end of this month. These ceramic plates, cups, flower base and cutleries are mostly hand-maded by him and his talented friends. And I noticed that some of those cups made with the Shino glaze. Wow, look at those thick frosting white glaze! It incredibly beautiful!